
Terms & Conditions

By clicking the instruct now button via the Street.co.uk platform you are in effect signing a legal agreement with Isla-Alexander Sales Ltd.

By agreeing to work with us you confirm that to the best of your knowledge the information regarding the property provided is accurate and that you have not withheld any materially significant information to your local agent, regarding the property.

You confirm that the information provided may be used at the Agent’s discretion in connection with the proposed sale of the property released to any prospective purchaser and you hereby indemnify the Agent accordingly. Should there be any changes you will notify the Agent in writing. You also understand that the agent will undertake a search for the purposes of verifying your identity.

A record of the search will be retained. Estate Agents are required by HMRC under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 to prove the identity of clients selling property prior to the commencement of marketing. Two forms of identity are required;

A document identifying the person(s):

A current full passport; Resident permit issued by Home Office; Current UK driving licence; State Pension;

And an address linking document:

A utility bill; Local authority rent book or recent mortgage statement; Bank/Building Society statement; Current UK driving licence; State Pension book; Council Tax bill.


1.Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency

1.1 The Seller will be liable to pay remuneration to the Agent, in addition to any costs or charges agreed, if at any time unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged with a Buyer introduced by the Agent during the Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency period (“the Initial Period”) and will continue until either party gives fourteen days written notice to expire at the end of the Initial Period or thereafter; or with whom the Agent had egotiations about the Property during that Initial Period; or with a Buyer introduced by another agent during that Initial Period.

1.2 The Initial Period of the Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency will commence from the first day that marketing is allowed under the Regulations for the provision of an Energy Performance Certificate (“EPC”) meaning that the Agent or the Seller has commissioned an EPC; and where the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (“the Cancellation  egulations”) apply, from the first day after the expiry of the cancellation period, or from the date the Seller requests the Agent in writing to begin marketing the Property under this Agreement.

1.3 If the Seller either orally or in writing accepts an offer to sell the Property or assign a lease and subsequently withdraws from that sale or assignment regardless of the reasons to a ready willing and able Buyer if that person is prepared and is able to exchange unconditional contracts for the purchase of the Property then the Seller will be liable to pay up to half of the fees of the Agent based upon the accepted offer together with any outstanding expenses within fourteen days of the date of withdrawal from the sale and the submission of the
invoice. The Agent at their discretion may waive this fee in exceptional circumstances.

1.4 The Seller will be liable to pay remuneration to the Agent, in addition to any costs or charges agreed, if at any time unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged with a Buyer introduced by the Agent during the Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency period (“the Initial Period”) and will continue until either party gives fourteen days written notice to expire at the end of the Initial Period or thereafter; or a Buyer with whom the Agent had negotiations about the Property during that Initial Period; or with a Buyer introduced
by another agent during that Initial Period.

2. Fee Entitlement and Client Liability Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency

In the following circumstances the Seller will be liable to pay more than one fee including any VAT in addition to any agreed costs and charges:

  • Where the Seller has previously instructed another agent to sell the Property on a Sole Agency basis; or
  • Where the Seller instructs another agent during or after the Initial Period of the Sole Agency. The Agent will also be entitled to commission fee in each of the following circumstances:

If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged during our Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency even if the Buyer was not found by us but by another agent or by any other person, including yourself;

If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged within 6 months of the expiry of the period during which we have Sole Agency but to a purchaser who was introduced* to the Seller during the period or with whom we had negotiations about the Property during that period. If no other estate agent is involved this time limit extends to two years. You agree to notify us in these circumstances.

*A buyer is deemed to have been introduced by the Agent if, during our Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency the Buyer was made aware of the availability for sale of the Property through, for example, advertisements / window displays / internet exposure / applicant database leads or through any other action of the Agent, even if the actual approach was direct to the Seller or through another agent.

The fee for Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency is agreed with the Agent and specified via the Street Portal. If the Seller part exchanges the Property or arranges a direct transfer with a buyer, the fees payable to the Agent will remain as the commission rate shown on the full sales value of the Property as shown on the Street Portal. Once the Agent has received written confirmation of instructions to sell the Property any direct approach or direct offer must be notified to the Agent.

The full commission specified within the Agreement will be payable for any such offer unless special arrangements have been agreed in writing at the time the instructions to sell the Property we reconfirmed.

3 Commission and Expenses – Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency

3.1 The commission payable for Sole Agency/Joint-Sole Agency will be calculated at the rate specified at Agency Terms on page 1 of this Agreement and calculated as a % of the contract selling price exclusive of VAT for Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency. If the contract selling price is higher or lower than the price at which the Property is marketed, then the commission payable will be correspondingly higher or lower. The sale price will include any extra allowance for curtains, carpets furniture fixtures and fittings or other items. If contracts are exchanged the fee of the Agent will be calculated on the full value attributed to the Property inclusive of the above items.

3.2 An estimate of proposed expenses is outlined in our attached letter/ Schedule of Expenses attached (if any apply).These expenses are payable by the Seller within twenty-eight days of an invoice being submitted regardless of whether or not the Agent is successful in selling the Property.

3.3 If completion is delayed for more than eight weeks from exchange of contracts the Agent reserves the right to submit an account to the Seller or their solicitor. Payment of the commission together with any agreed expenses will be payable within twenty-eight days of submission of the invoice.

3.4 If the Buyer exchanges contracts and pays a deposit but fails to complete the purchase the Agent will charge half the agreed fee together with any agreed expenses which remain outstanding. Payment becomes due within twenty-eight days of submission of the invoice to the Seller or their solicitor.

3.5 If the Seller withdraws instructions to market the Property, the Seller will be liable for the costs and expenses incurred by the Agent to the date the period of Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency expires up to a maximum of £500 including VAT. This clause will apply if the Seller withdraws instructions at any time after the 14 days’ cancellation period, or at any time after the Agent has received a written request to market the Property.

3.6 Payment of Fees and Expenses: Each person shown at the Land Registry as a joint owner of the Property, legally acting as an executor or through a Lasting Power of Attorney is liable for the payment of all fees and
expenses due to the Agent as an individual until all fees costs and expenses are paid in full; and as a group forming the Seller or his/her legal representative until all expenses are paid in full. The Seller agrees to instruct their solicitor or licensed conveyancer that the Agent may submit their invoice to them following exchange of contracts for payment immediately on the completion date or within 14 days of exchange, whichever is the earlier. If payment in full is not received within the timeframes set out in this Agreement, the Seller will pay to the Agent interest at 3% per annum above the Bank of England base rate from the due date to the date of payment. Accounts become payable upon exchange of contracts, but the Agent reserves the right to agree that payment of commission and fees will be paid on completion. Payment of expenses and for any professional work becomes due and payable as at the date of the invoice submitted to the Seller or their solicitor.

3.7 Value Added Tax is payable at the prevailing rate. If the rate of VAT should change, the rate charged will be that applicable as at the date of our invoice.

4. Sole Selling Rights

4.1 The seller will be liable to pay commission to the Agent, in addition to any agreed costs or charges, upon the sale of the Property to a Buyer introduced by the Agent during the agency period for Sole Selling Rights (“SSR”) (“the Initial Period”).The Agent’s fee is due upon exchange of contracts, or in the case of a conditional contract when the contract becomes unconditional. This Agreement will continue until either party gives 14 days written notice to terminate the Agency Period at the end of the minimum term or thereafter. If after the termination of the Agreement contracts are exchanged with a buyer introduced by the Agent or another agent during the Agency Period the commission will be payable.

4.2 The Agent will also be entitled to the commission fee in each of the following circumstances:

  • 4.2.1 If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged during the period of Sole Selling Rights even if the purchaser was not found by the Agent but by another agent or by any other person, including the Seller;
  • 4.2.2 If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged after the expiry of the period during which the Agent h as Sole Selling Rights but
    to a purchaser who was introduced* to the Seller during the period or with whom the Agent had negotiations about the Property during that period;

4.3. The Agency Period of SSR will commence from the first day that marketing is allowed provided that:

  • 4.3.1 Regulations for the provision of an Energy Performance Certificate “EPC” has, where required, been commissioned by the Agent or the Seller; or
  • 3.2 From the date the Seller requests the Agent in writing to begin marketing the Property under this Agreement; or
  • 3.3 On the first day after the expiry of the cancellation period set out in the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges).

*A buyer is deemed to have been introduced by the Agent if, during the Sole Selling Rights period the Buyer was made aware of the availability for sale of the Property through, for example, advertisements / window displays / internet exposure / applicant database leads or through any other action of the Agent even if the actual approach was direct to the Seller or through another agent.

5. Commission and Expenses Sole Selling Rights

5.1 The commission payable for Sole Selling Rights will be calculated at the rate specified at Agency Terms on page 1 of this Agreement and calculated as a % of the contract selling price exclusive of VAT for Sole Selling Rights. If the contract selling price is higher or lower than the price at which the Property is marketed, then the commission payable will be correspondingly higher or lower than specified above. The sale price will include any extra allowance for curtains, carpets, furniture, fixtures and fittings or other items. If contracts are exchanged the fee of the Agent will be calculated on the full value attributed to the Property inclusive of the above items.

5.2 An estimate of proposed expenses is outlined in our letter/ Schedule of Expenses attached (if any apply) .These expenses are payable by the Seller within 28 days of an invoice being submitted regardless of whether or not the Agent is successful in selling the Property.

5.3 The fee is due on exchange but payable on completion. If completion is delayed after exchange of contracts the Agent reserves the right to submit an account to the Seller or their solicitor. Payment of the commission together with any agreed expenses will be payable on completion or within fourteen days of submission of the invoice if completion is delayed or does not take place.

5.4 If the Buyer exchanges contracts and pays a deposit but fails to complete the purchase the Agent will charge half the agreed fee together with any agreed expenses which remain outstanding. Payment becomes due within twenty-eight days of submission of the invoice to the Seller or their solicitor.

5.5 If the Seller withdraws instructions to market the Property, the Seller will be liable for the agreed unpaid costs and expenses incurred by the Agent to the date the period of Sole Selling Rights expires up to a maximum of £500 including VAT. This clause will apply if the Seller withdraws instructions at any time after the 14 days’ cancellation period, or at any time after the Agent has received a written request to market the Property.

5.6 If the Seller either orally or in writing accepts an offer to sell the Property or assign a lease and subsequently withdraws from that sale or assignment regardless of the reasons to a ready willing and able Buyer if that person is prepared and is able to exchange unconditional contracts for the purchase of the Property then the Seller will be liable to pay up to half of the fees of the Agent based upon the accepted offer together with any outstanding expenses within fourteen days of the date of withdrawal from the sale and the submission of the invoice. The Agent at their discretion may waive this fee in exceptional circumstances.

6. Fee Entitlement and Client Liability Sole Selling Rights:

6.1 By signing this Agreement, the Seller instructs the Agent to act on a sole selling rights basis. This means that the Seller gives the Agent exclusive rights to market the Property for the sole selling rights period and thereafter until this Agreement is cancelled. The Initial Period will be as specified on page 1 of this Agreement and will continue until either party gives to the other fourteen days’ notice in writing. Notice may be served during the Initial Period of the sole selling rights to expire at the end of the Initial Period or may be served at any time after the Initial Period has come to an end.

6.2 In the following circumstances the Seller will be liable to pay more than one fee including any VAT and in addition to any agreed costs and charges:

6.3 Where the Seller has previously instructed another agent to sell the Property on a sole selling rights basis; or where the Seller instructs another agent during or after the period of the Agent’s sole selling rights. The Agent will also be entitled to our commission fee in each of the following circumstances:

(i) If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged in the period during which the Agent has sole selling rights, even if the Buyer was not found by the Agent but by another agent or by any other person, including yourself;

(ii) If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged within one year (12 months) of the expiry of the period during which the Agent has sole selling rights but to a purchaser who was introduced* to the Seller during the period or with whom the Agent had negotiations about the Property during that period. If no other estate agent is involved this time limit extends to two years (24 months).The Seller agrees to notify the Agent in these circumstances.

*A buyer is deemed to have been introduced by the Agent if, during our sole selling rights period, the Buyer was made aware of the availability for sale of the Property through, for example, advertisements / window displays / internet exposure / applicant database leads or through any other action of the Agent, even if the actual approach was direct to the Seller or through another agent.

6.4 The commission payable for Sole Selling Rights will be as specified on Page 1 of this Agreement for Sole Selling Rights. If the contract selling price is higher or lower than the price at which the Property is marketed, then the commission payable will be correspondingly higher or lower. The sale price will include any extra allowance for curtains, carpets furniture fixtures and fittings or other items. If contracts are exchanged the fee of the Agent will be calculated on the full value attributed to the Property inclusive of the above items.

7. Multiple Agency:

7.1 The seller will be liable to pay commission to the Agent, in addition to any agreed costs or charges, upon the sale of the Property to a Buyer introduced by us during the Multiple Agency Period. Our fee is due upon exchange of contracts, or in the case of a conditional contract when the contract goes unconditional. This Agreement will continue until either party gives 14 days written notice to terminate the Multiple Agency Period. If after the termination of the Agreement contracts are exchanged with a buyer introduced by the Agent during the Multiple Agency Period, the commission will be payable.

7.2 The Multiple Agency Period of the Agent will commence from the first day that marketing is allowed provided that:

7.2.1 Regulations for the provision of an Energy Performance Certificate “EPC” has, where required, been commissioned by the Agent or the Seller; or

7.2.2 From the date the Seller requests the Agent in writing to begin marketing the Property under this Agreement; or

7.2.3 On the first day after the expiry of the cancellation period set out in Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.The Period of the Multiple Agency will commence from the first day that marketing is allowed under the Regulations for the provision of an Energy Performance Certificate (“EPC”) meaning that the Agent or the Seller has commissioned an EPC; and where the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (“the Cancellation Regulations”) apply, from the first day after the expiry of the cancellation period, or from the date the Seller requests the Agent in writing to begin marketing the Property under this Agreement.

8. Commission and Expenses Multiple Agency:

8.1 The commission payable for Multiple Agency will be calculated at the rate specified at Agency Terms on page 1 of this Agreement and calculated as a % of the contract selling price exclusive of VAT for Multiple Agency. If the contract selling price is higher or lower than the price at which the Property is marketed then the commission payable will be correspondingly higher or lower than specified above. The sale price will include any extra allowance for curtains, carpets furniture fixtures and fittings or other items. If contracts are exchanged the fee of the Agent will be calculated on the full value attributed to the Property inclusive of the above items.

8.2 An estimate of proposed expenses is outlined in our letter/ Schedule of Expenses attached (if any apply).These expenses are payable by the Seller within 28 days of an invoice being submitted regardless of whether or not the Agent is successful in selling the Property.

8.3 The fee is due on exchange but payable on completion. If completion is delayed after exchange of contracts the Agent reserve the right to submit an account to the Seller or their solicitor. Payment of the commission together with any agreed expenses will be payable on completion or within twenty -eight days of submission of the invoice if completion is delayed or does not take place.

8.4 If the Buyer exchanges contracts and pays a deposit but fails to complete the purchase the Agent will charge half the agreed fee together with any agreed expenses which remain outstanding. Payment becomes due within twenty-eight days of submission of the invoice to the Seller or their solicitor.

8.5 If the Seller withdraws instructions to market the Property, the Seller will be liable for the agreed unpaid costs and expenses incurred by the Agent to the date the period of Multiple Agency expires up to a maximum of ÂŁ500 including VAT. This clause will apply if the Seller withdraws instructions at any time after the 14 -day cancellation period, or at any time after the Agent has received a written request to market the Property.

8.6 If the Seller either orally or in writing accepts an offer to sell the Property or assign a lease and subsequently withdraws from that sale or assignment regardless of the reasons to a ready willing and able Buyer if that person is prepared and is able to exchange unconditional contracts for the purchase of the Property then the Seller will be liable to pay up to half of the fees of the Agent based upon the accepted offer together with any outstanding expenses within fourteen days of the date of withdrawal from the sale and the submission of the
invoice. The Agent at their discretion may waive this fee in exceptional circumstances.

9. Fee Entitlement and Client Liability Multiple Agency

9.1 In the following circumstances the Seller may be liable to pay more than one fee including any VAT and in addition to any agreed costs and charges:
â—Ź Where the Seller has previously instructed another agent to sell the Property on a Sole Agency or Joint-Sole Agency basis; or
â—Ź Under the following circumstances the Agent will also be entitled to a commission fee:
â—Ź If unconditional contracts for the sale of the Property are exchanged within 12 months of the expiry of the period during which the Agent had a Multiple Agency arrangement to a purchaser who was introduced* to the Seller during the period or with whom the Agent had negotiations about the Property during that period. If no other estate agent is involved this time limit extends to 24 months. The Seller agrees to notify the Agent in these circumstances.

*A buyer is deemed to have been introduced by the Agent if, during the Multiple Agency the Buyer was made aware of the availability of the sale of the Property through, for example, advertisements / window displays / internet exposure / applicant database leads or through any other action of the Agent.

9.2 The fee for Multiple Agency is specified at clause 8 above. If the Seller part exchanges the Property or arranges a direct transfer with a buyer, the fees payable to the Agent will remain as the commission rate shown on the full sales value of the Property as shown at clause 8 above. Once the Agent has received written confirmation of instructions to sell the Property any direct approach or direct offer must be notified to the Agent. The full commission specified within the Agreement will be payable for any such offer unless special arrangements have been agreed in writing at the time the instructions to sell the Property were confirmed.

9.3 Each person shown at the Land Registry as a joint owner of the Property, legally acting as an executor or through Power o f Attorney is liable for the payment of all fees and expenses due to the Agent as an individual until all fees costs and expenses are paid in full; and as a group forming the Seller or his legal representative until all expenses are paid in full. The Seller agrees to instruct their solicitor or licensed conveyancer that the Agent may submit their invoice to them following exchange of contracts for payment immediately or on the completion date. Payment of expenses and for any professional work becomes due and payable as at the date of the invoice submitted to the Seller or their solicitor.

9.4 If payment in full is not received within the timeframes set out in this Agreement, the Seller will pay to the Agent interest at 3% per annum above the Bank of England base rate from the due date to the date of payment.

10. Service Information:

10.1 The Agent trades as a Limited company registered at 19 Red Kite Close, Hengoed, Caerphilly, CF82 6GU10.2.Isla-Alexander Property Experts Ltd are members of the dispute and compensation scheme operated by The Property Redress Scheme.

11. Sub Agency: The Seller agrees that the Agent may use other agents or businesses to promote or market the Property and that the Agent may pay a proportion of the agreed fees and
commission for doing so to a successful sub-agent.

12. Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008

12.1 The Agent and the seller must comply with the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (“the Regulations”). Statements must be factually correct in all
communications and the Agent must not give a potential purchaser the wrong impression about the Property to be sold. The details of the Property will not be sent to any prospective buyer until the Seller has confirmed that the content is accurate and that all fixtures and fittings included with the Property are in full working order. If that is incorrect the Seller must inform the Agent in writing. If during the marketing of the Property, the approved particulars become incorrect the Seller must notify the Agent immediately in writing. Prior to marketing the Seller should disclose to the Agent any material information that might affect a prospective purchaser’s decision to buy, including details of any restrictive covenants, works carried out without relevant permissions and known proposed developments in the immediate vicinity of the Property that might affect the enjoyment of the Property. Failure to do so could lead to a claim being made against the Seller. The Agent in turn are required under the above Regulations to disclose this information to interested parties

13. Uses of Information and the General Data Protection Regulations

13.1 The Privacy Policy as shown on the Agent’s website applies. The legitimate interest of the Agent means the Seller accepts the lawful processing of personal data by the Agent for providing the services under this Agreement and retained by the Agent for use in marketing and in other literature after the completion of the sale for a period of 7 years. If the Seller wishes to opt out of the marketing process of the Agent, the Seller should contact the Agent at the address shown in the Particulars. The information held by the Agent is confidential and will only be used to offer products and services or to disclose information obtained from the Seller to carefully selected companies with whom the Agent are connected to enable them to notify the Seller of products and services that may be of interest; to disclose details of the Property in marketing literature or portals if the Agent while the Agent acts on the Sellers behalf and for a period of 7 years unless the Seller informs the Agent that their details must be removed.

The personal information of the Seller may also be used during the marketing period if any sub-agent instructed on the Agent’s behalf successfully arranges the sale of the Property; To refer personal details of the Seller to a debt collection agency or legal adviser if the Fees expenses and other agreed costs specified in this contract are unpaid 14 days after legal completion or within 30 days of exchange if completion does not take place; to disclose information to Surveyors Ombudsman Services Limited (“the Ombudsman”) if required to resolve any complaint or dispute if requested by the Ombudsman; or for auditing purposes under the above Scheme if requested by the Ombudsman; to comply with statute or a request from a government or law enforcement agency; and to provide personal details to utility suppliers and the local authority upon completion unless requested not to do so by the Seller in writing.

If the Seller does not wish personal information or Property details to be used for the marketing of products or services or in advertising literature after completion of a sale, the Seller must write to the Agent at the address shown at the start of this Agreement.

14. Energy Performance Certificate (“EPC”)

14.1 Under EU legislation the Seller is required to commission an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) prior to marketing the Property. The Agent are required to display the EPC graph / rating in all marketing materials including brochures, internet listings, advertisements and window cards. Listed buildings are exempt from these Regulations.

15. Money Laundering

15.1 The Agent are required to comply with The Money Laundering Regulations 2017.We have a legal obligation to identify the beneficial owner of a property, whether it be a private individual/s, a company, trust or estate. The Agent may use a third-party data provider to comply with these regulations.

16. Appointments and Personal Safety

16.1 The Agent will always inform the Seller of an appointment for any prospective buyer to view the Property unless otherwise instructed in writing. If, at any time the Seller is approached directly by any person, the Seller should inform the Agent immediately.

17. Termination

17.1.The Agent may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect upon giving written notice to the Seller if at any time (which includes any person acting on your behalf) the Seller fails to provide instructions within a reasonable time of a written request from the Agent thus placing the Agent in breach of any obligations under various statutory legislation; or Codes of practice which may apply from time to time; or lead to the Agent or any of our employees discriminating against any party; or the Seller discriminates against or abuses any employee
or other person acting on behalf of the Agent.

18. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 and Acts of Third Parties

18.1 This contract does not give any rights to any third party, unless specifically expressed and agreed in writing. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply to this Agreement. The Agent are not responsible or liable for the acts, omissions or failures of third parties unless it is due to the negligence or breach of contract or omissions of the Agent or their employees.

18.2 The Seller agrees not to take action bring any claim in respect of loss or damage suffered by the Seller arising out of or in connection with this Agreement against any individual partner, consultant, employee or agent even where any of those persons have been negligent. This restriction will not operate to exclude any liability that cannot be excluded at law or to exclude the liability of the Agent for the acts or omissions of any of their partners, consultants, employees or agents.

19 .Limited Liability

19.1 Our liability to you in respect of any one matter is limited to a total of ÂŁ1million.

20 Variation of Terms

20.1 Any variation of the terms of this Agreement will only be valid if confirmed to the Seller in writing and signed by a director or partner of the Agent and the Seller.

21. Assignment

21.1 The Agent may assign the rights and obligations under the Agreement providing the rights of the Seller are not affected upon giving the Seller 14 days’ notice in writing.

22. Unoccupied Property:

22.1 The Agent are not responsible for the management, maintenance or repair of the Property unless agreed in writing and an additional fee charged. It is the Seller’s responsibility to ensure that where the Property is unoccupied it is adequately secured, mains services are turned off, water and heating systems professionally drained and the insurers of the Property notified.

23. Indemnity Policies

23.1 It should be noted that if any problems with the Property arise as a result, for example, defective title, planning, building regulations or listed building obligations, it is usual for the Seller to have to cover the cost of indemnifying the defect. It is recommended that you bring up any potential issues with your solicitor at the earliest possible opportunity to avoid delays during conveyancing.

25. Complaints and the Ombudsman

25.1 The Agent has a complaint handling procedure and redress schemes through The Property Redress Scheme. The Agent are certain that the Seller will be happy with their service but if there are any complaints they should be addressed initially directly to the agent; if you are not satisfied by the response of the agent then any complaint will be escalated to the director of the company; then The Property Redress Scheme.

If there is a complaint against any member of staff which cannot be resolved directly the Agent operates an internal complaints redress scheme full details of which can be given on request together with the time within which a reply will be received by the Seller.

Giveaway Terms & Conditions